Rhine-Alpine Talks: Smart Logistics
4th December, 2020 @ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
As a frontrunner in transnational cooperation the EGTC started in Summer 2020 a new digital and public format for communication and exchange among the entire Rhine-Alpine community. The digital series “Rhine-Alpine Talks” provide room for information and exchange in relevant topics despite current restrictions caused by Covid19. It is also considered in the long run as a steady source of information and debate for the Rhine-Alpine corridor community
The “Rhine-Alpine Talks” are scheduled for a monthly implementation, usually the first Friday each month 11am – 12.30pm. Staring in July 2020, the Talks dealt with the topic “Corona and the Corridor”, “Green Corridor“, “Cross-Border Issues” and “Smart Mobility in Passenger Transport“.
The fifth edition takes place on 4 December 2020 and deals with the topic “Smart Logistics“.
Please check the agenda here.
Become part of the corridor community and register for this meeting.