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March 2022
COMODALCE Final Conference – The role of ICT in supporting multimodal transport: the contribution of European territorial cooperation
The role of ICT in supporting multimodal transport: the contribution of European territorial cooperation COMODALCE Final Conference Interreg is one of the key instruments of the European Union (EU) supporting cooperation across borders through project funding. It aims to jointly tackle common challenges and find shared solutions in fields such as health, environment, research, education,...
Find out more »February 2022
FENIX at GS1 Global Forum 2022
The GS1 Global Forum is the global annual event to align the organisation’s strategy, inspire and strengthen GS1 staff around the world. The week offers great opportunities to learn about new GS1 standards and solutions, to share implementation stories and to discover best practices from around the world. Over 2,600 participants from 111+ countries are...
Find out more »December 2021
Rhine-Alpine Talks: Roadmap Towards a Carbon Neutral Rhine-Alpine Corridor
The last Rhine-Alpine Talks in 2021 taking place on 3 December, 11:00-12:30 CEST will present the “Roadmap Towards a Carbon Neutral Rhine-Alpine Corridor” developed by the EGTC in close consultation with its boards. The EGTC proposes several steps in this roadmap to accelerate the development of a strategy to significantly step up efforts to green the...
Find out more »October 2021
ITS World Congress – Hamburg
The ITS World Congress is the world’s largest and most prominent event focused on smart mobility and the digitalisation of transportation. Every year, ERTICO organises a European or World Congress in a major European City, with the ITS World Congress in Europe every third year.
Find out more »FENIX Sessions at the ITS World Congress 2021
ITS Congress is taking place between 11 and 15 October 2021. FENIX is happy to announce its participation in the sessions below which also include the FENIX General Assembly. Throughout the Congress, you can visit the ERTICO booth where we will have a display and information desk. For a more detailed overview of the Congress...
Find out more »September 2021
Rhine-Apline Talks: EGTC and other Governance Models for Transport Corridors And Larger Cooperation Areas
The 10th Rhine-Alpine Talks take up the issue of governance models for functional areas such as European transport corridors. EGTCs and other cooperation forms will be presented.
Find out more »August 2021
Logistics Summer 2021
Learn how Dematic AGVs meet this challenge while offering a quick ROI and safe work environment through our Dematic Roadtrip 2021.
Find out more »June 2021
IPIC 2021 | 8th International Physical Internet Conference
The Physical Internet Initiative aims at transforming the way physical objects are moved, stored, realized, supplied and used, pursuing global logistics efficiency and sustainability. Originating from Professor Benoit Montreuil in 2006, this ground breaking vision, revolutionizing current paradigms, has stirred great interest from scientific, industrial as well as governmental communities. The International Physical Internet Conference...
Find out more »April 2021
FENIX at ConnectingEU Insights
On April 29, join FENIX is the session "Digital customs simplification and Innovative Federative Services in maritime & logistic sector: challenges and opportunities", from 14:30 to 16:00 CET.
Find out more »RHINE-ALPINE TALKS #8: The Unlocked Potential of Inland Navigation to green the Rhine-Alpine Corridor
Join FENIX member for this exciting online event about unlocking the potential of inland navigation to green the Rhine-Alpine Corridor.
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