At Malpensa airport in Milan, FENIX was presented during “The Italian Rhine Alpine Pilot Site- Final Event”. The event was dedicated to the presentation of the results of the pilot site carried out at the airport as part of the project.
SEA, that management company of the Milanese airport, invested 1.5 million euros in the last three years: the company worked on the development of some new applications in the context of the Smart City digital ecosystem of goods.
Thanks to Fenix, explains Sea itself, “new projects have been completed which will allow the digitisation of the processes of the air cargo treatment cycle, which involve all the operators of the logistics chain and which cover all the main operational areas of the chain (road transport and land-side airport operations, air-side airport operations, customs procedures). These include Smart Clearance, Smart Unload, Smart Corridors, Smart Trucks and Smart Move.
According to the company, the applications developed, “being scalable and interoperable, can then be made available to all Italian airports in line with the objectives of the NRRP, to the full advantage of the digital and sustainable transition of national air cargo”.