Dr Eusebiu Catana, FENIX project coordinator,  is attending the 2023 Logistics Congress in Portorož, Slovenia. Mr Catana is one of the keynote speakers in a introductory lecture. He will present the FENIX network example and will illustrate the role of FENIX in the North Adriatic area after Alenka Bratušek, from the Slovenian Ministry of Infrastructure.

This year’s event, which marks the 10th anniversary of the Congress, focuses on comprehensive green transformation, the role of connecting North Adriatic ports in the “NAPA (North Adriatic Port Association)” community, good practices companies in the field of reducing electricity consumption, and optimising transport.

Automation and robotisation in logistics, transport and production logistics will be the red thread of the congress.


Dr Catana will take the opportunity to showcase the impressive results that the FENIX project has achieved in the past months. The lessons learned during the project thanks to the Pilot Sites and all partners’ shared effort will be an example to follow for other logistics and port areas players.

Dr Catana with the President of the European Logistics Association and the Slovenian Logistic Association

Find out more about the event here.