
Industry AWARD Ceremony

Industry AWARD Ceremony

  ERTICO – ITS Europe, represented by Dr Eusebiu Catana, FENIX coordinator, has been honoured with the prestigious Innovation Award for Data Sharing and Data Transformation at the 2023 Industry Awards on 20 December! This was proposed by the Transport &...

FENIX at the IEEE 9th World Forum on Internet of Things

FENIX at the IEEE 9th World Forum on Internet of Things

    Dr Eusebiu Catana has participated in the 9th World Forum on Internet of Things in Aveiro, Portugal. On Thursday 19 October, Dr Catana presented the case of FENIX and 5G-LOGINNOV in the context of innovation in maritime ports during the Session...

FENIX and 5G-LOGINNOV meet American partners

FENIX and 5G-LOGINNOV meet American partners

FENIX and 5G-LOGINNOV meet American partners On 29 September 2023, Dr. Dan Sui, Virginia Tech’s Senior Vice President and Chief Research and Innovation Officer (left) together with  Dr. Luiz DaSilva, Executive Director, Commonwealth Cyber Initiative(right) met Dr....

Workshop on 6G and ISO TC204

Workshop on 6G and ISO TC204

On 22 June, Dr. Eusebiu Catana will organise a technical workshop in Brussels to assess the future 6G candidate technologies in cities and port-cities in order to support the ISO TC204  WG17 (sWG17.1 & sWG 17.2) and the ETSI TC ITS WG for cooperative ITS standards...

FENIX at ITS European Congress 2023

FENIX at ITS European Congress 2023

The FENIX project will be featured at the upcoming ITS European Congress in Lisbon, 22-24 May. The project will be showcased at the ERTICO Stand, booth A14, where participants will have the chance to discover more details about the project’s pilot sites and...

Dr Catana keynote speaker at PrepDSpace4Mobility Stakeholder Workshop

Dr Catana keynote speaker at PrepDSpace4Mobility Stakeholder Workshop

We have the pleasure to invite you to the PrepDSpace4Mobility Stakeholder Workshop which will take place on 10 May 2023, 09:30 – 15:00 CEST, online, during which Dr Eusebiu Catana will speak about FENIX perspective on data sharing in Europe (10:30-10:40). The workshop...

FENIX at Milan Malpensa

FENIX at Milan Malpensa

At Malpensa airport in Milan, FENIX was presented during “The Italian Rhine Alpine Pilot Site- Final Event”. The event was dedicated to the presentation of the results of the pilot site carried out at the airport as part of the project. SEA, that...

FENIX example at the 2023 Logistics Congress

FENIX example at the 2023 Logistics Congress

Dr Eusebiu Catana, FENIX project coordinator,  is attending the 2023 Logistics Congress in Portorož, Slovenia. Mr Catana is one of the keynote speakers in a introductory lecture. He will present the FENIX network example and will illustrate the role of FENIX in the...

Final Event: The Italian Rhine Alpine Pilot Site

Final Event: The Italian Rhine Alpine Pilot Site

Pilot Site Italy 2 – Dynamic Synchromodal Logistics  On 30 March, Italy 2 Pilot Site will hold a final event in Malpensa. The event will focus on the pilot managed by SEA (Dynamic Synchromodal Logistics – The Italian Rhine Alpine Pilot site – Italy 2). The Pilot Site...